Obten acceso a Envira Gallery Deeplinking Addon y a 25,000+ recursos GPL con cualquiera de nuestras membresías, desde $4.99/mes
Get full SEO benefits and granular control over your galleries with the Envira Gallery Deeplinking Addon plugin. Create unique and indexable URLs for each item in your gallery.
Then you’ll love our deep linking addon.
The Envira Gallery Deeplinking Addon plugin is a powerful and useful feature for your galleries. It allows you to uniquely link to any image in your gallery, providing easy URLs for your visitors or clients.
It also provides you with an indexable URL for search engines that is great for SEO, and allows you to easily reference an image in your gallery using hashes.
Once activated, there is a setting to enable/disable deep links in the Gallery Settings tab.
When enabled, deep linking will work automatically. You can test it by opening your gallery and see how the URL changes with each transition to a different image. The hashes are cleared once the lightbox is closed.
To share an individual image from the gallery, all you need to do is copy the link address of the image you want to link to, and with the deep linking addon, you will always have dedicated access to it!
Get the Envira Gallery Deeplinking Addon now.
2024-06-02 12:33:45