AutomatorWP Elementor


Elementor is a website builder that offers high-end page designs and advanced capabilities, never before seen in WordPress.

Elementor Forms is a flexible drag-and-drop form builder with full design control included in Elementor Pro.

AutomatorWP Elementor Automations Examples

Explore thousands of ways to connect Elementor with other WordPress plugins

  • Elementor Forms
    When the user submits a specific form
  • BuddyBoss
    Add an activity to the user


  • Elementor Forms
    When the user fills a field with a specific value
  • GamiPress
    Grant points to the user


  • Elementor Forms
    When the user chooses a specific option from a specific field
  • Restrict Content Pro
    Add a membership to the user


Get AutomatorWP Elementor now.

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