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WP Migrate DB Pro

Install WP Migrate DB Pro on two or more WordPress sites and simply push/pull the database, media, themes, and plugins between those sites. WP Migrate DB Pro is the perfect workflow tool for thousands of professional WordPress developers.

Migrate WordPress Sites with Confidence Using WP Migrate DB Pro

Are you still «manually» migrating WordPress sites?

Are you exporting the database with phpMyAdmin, SequelAce, or some other database tool and then running a search and replace in the SQL file? And then still having to use FTP to download your media, themes, and plugins!

We both know that’s not ideal.

WP Migrate DB Pro fits seamlessly into your developer workflow, providing you with smooth migrations between localhost and live.

Let’s Face It, WordPress Database Migrations Can Suck

Doing it manually with SQL export files, using an insecure script on your server, or using a clumsy backup and restore plugin are all productivity killers. Not to mention, stressful.

Running a WordPress database migration shouldn’t involve blood, sweat, and tears.

We’re WordPress Database Experts, So You Don’t Have to Be

Find and Replace

  • WordPress stores both the site’s URL and directory in the database. This is different for each site environment, like local and staging sites.
  • WP Migrate detects these data and handles the search and replace during migration.
  • WP Migrate replaces data in post content, pages, widgets, options, and metadata. It also handles content created by the Block Editor.

Serialized Data

  • Why not just export the database and run a search and replace in the SQL file? Pretty easy, right? Wrong.
  • Any replacement applied to data using PHP serialization (e.g. widgets) will corrupt the serialization and result in an empty string when unserialized.
  • WP Migrate detects serialized data and runs a special search and replace function to ensure data is not corrupted.

Database Backups

  • Select the backup option before running a migration and a backup of your database will be made before running the migration and replacing it.
  • Backups provide peace of mind, but also allow you to version your database, enabling you to roll back in time and retrieve things that have changed and shouldn’t have.

Get WP Migrate DB Pro Today.

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