Get access to Green Planet Ecology and Environment Theme and to 24,000+ GPL resources with any of our memberships, starting at $6.99/mo.
Green Planet Ecology and Environment Theme is a beautiful theme for ecology and environmental protection. The theme comes with a donation functionality that allows you to raise funds for your environmental projects and run multiple fundraising campaigns at once.
Furthermore, with Green Planet Ecology and Environment Theme you can schedule ecology conferences, ecological charity meetings, and other environmental events using the events functionality.
The theme allows you to easily create an ecological charity website for an ecological NGO, environmental protection non-profit organizations, and green peace offices.
We have greatly expanded the initial WordPress administration to provide you with more functionality that includes a wide variety of options and settings and provides maximum customization flexibility to help you create an opera, theater, artistic event, or entertainment website.
Valid code and optimized structure is one of the key points for a successful website that search engines will track and index successfully.
The theme documentation covers all possible questions, so that even a beginner can create a great website in a reasonable amount of time. Many screenshots of the admin panel and front-end to make it even easier.
Green Planet Ecology and Environment Theme includes a large collection of custom widgets, which allow even more content management possibilities and provide advanced options for social networks, such as Flickr, Facebook, and Twitter.
Get Green Planet Ecology and Environment Theme.
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