LearnPress Co-Instructors Addon

LearnPress Co-Instructors Addon helps instructors assist each other with course management and teaching content. Allow multiple instructors to teach the same class. The co-instructor can only edit their own lesson and cannot edit the content of the class author.

How LearnPress Co-Instructors Addon works

  • Allow multiple instructors to teach the same class: LearnPress Co-Instructors Addon allows you and any instructor to add other people as co-instructors to your courses. Co-instructors will appear on the course instructor list. The co-instructor can then manage the course.
  • The co-instructor can only edit their own lessons and cannot edit the content of the other author: To ensure stability, each person can only edit their own created content. LearnPress LMS also has options that allow you to choose whether the instructor’s lessons and courses can be published immediately or will be reviewed before publication.

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